Our trip focuses on the seasonally flooded forests, riverine forests, and white-sand forests typical of the upper Amazon Basin in the vicinity of Iquitos. The spectacular rainforests that characterize this region support a rich diversity of life forms. More than 600 species of birds have been found in the areas that we will visit, including a variety of tinamous, guans, cuckoos, potoos, herons, hawks, trogons, puffbirds, jacamars, toucans, woodpeckers, antwrens, antbirds, woodcreepers, foliage-gleaners, tyrant flycatchers, cotingas, and manakins. Among the endemic and near-endemic species we might see are Ancient Antwren, Allpahuayo Antbird, Mishana Tyrannulet, and Iquitos Gnatcatcher. We also hope to encounter multiple army ant swarms along with the suite of birds that specialize in following army ants, and to sort through mixed-species flocks that no doubt will pass by our vantage points on the incredible ACTS Canopy Walkway, and along the various foot trails we will explore. We can expect to see between 400 and 450 species of birds on this trip.

Dates: 1-14 July 2023 (13 nights). This trip is full. Check back for trip report.
Group size: Minimum of 6, maximum of 8, with one expert local guide and Jeff Marks
Contact Jeff Marks for more information, including an annotated itinerary and price: